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Viewing Trademark Status and Records Online
Viewing Trademark Status and Records Online

How to find the status of your trademark and review all documents that have been submitted.

Updated today

To view the status of your trademark online, you simply need to visit Trademark Status & Document Retriveal (TSDR) tool provided by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This tool allows you to view the official trademark record, the status of your tradeamark application or registration, and every single document that has been filed or sent by the USPTO to the trademark owner.

Viewing Trademark Status and Details of the File

To look up the status of the trademark, enter the trademark serial or registration number and click the status button. Click the "Expand All" toggle under "Mark Information" to see the full details about the trademark

Viewing Trademark Documents

To view all the documents filed and sent enter the trademark serial or registration number and click the "Documents" button. You can click on the link of any document and view the contents of the submission.

Viewing Trademark Registration Renewal Dates

Once the trademark registers, the USPTO provides the due date of the next trademark renewal.

The best practice is to file trademark renewals by the "Earliest Date" to avoid late fees or forgetting to file and having your registration canceled. Note filing early doesn't penalize you as renewal due dates are calculated from the date the trademark registered.

Downloading Trademark Registration Certificates

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