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Trademark Address Update Service FAQ
Trademark Address Update Service FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Markavo's Trademark Address Update Service

Updated over a week ago

When should an address update be filed?

The address of your business should be updated with the trademark office any time your business’s official address changes.

I have a home-based business. Can I protect my privacy and not publish my home address online?

For home-based businesses, the trademark office will require your home address as that is where the business is being operated from. However, it is possible to hide that address from public view. A P.O. Box can be used for the address that is publicly published online at the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) page for your trademark.

How much does an address update cost?

We charge $40 to file an address update per trademark.

How long does it take to file an address update?

Most updates are filed within 3-4 business days after receiving payment and all required information from the client.

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